I tried to do captions for these, but the formatting on Blogger is difficult, and I have jetlag and do not feel like doing HTML. If you want captions ... call me, and I can tell you what's in my head for each picture. And feel free to click on each picture to zoom in to get the full 5.1 megapixels of image; these low resolutions do not do them justice. Also, that way I'll feel my (a.k.a. my mom's) money was spent well on the camera.

That is all for here. I actually have like, 300 pictures though in case you are interested. Just instant message me (wallydacatzzz) and I can send them to you there, where it does not take forever to upload.

That is all for here. I actually have like, 300 pictures though in case you are interested. Just instant message me (wallydacatzzz) and I can send them to you there, where it does not take forever to upload.
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