Snakes On A Plane: Now With More Snakes!

*Insert lame jokes about snakes here*
And that's about it for this post, as introductions go....
There are 3 types of people dealing with Snakes On A Plane:
1. "The Casual Snake-er"
This person has heard of the movie (Who hasn't?), but frankly wants nothing to do with it. They think it will be complete rubbish. I mean the premise is right in the title. For Pete's sake!
2. "The Snake Handler"
If you come across this fellow, they will know about the movie. They will have seen the movie. But on the other hand ..... they'll probably only see it like once or twice. They might talk about it ... but they haven't caught "Snake Fever" (This is quite different from the condition on is brought into when encountering a snake's deadly neurotoxin).
3."Samuel L. Jackson" (The L is for "Loves his fuckin' snakes!)
This person will not be encountered for the next couple months. Chances are that they have quit whatever job (If any) that they previously held, to live in the movie theaters and watch SoaP (Because who has the time to write out full movie titles these days anyway?). Unfortunately for them, SoaP will eventually have to leave theaters. At this point they will steal the reel of film and bring it home to watch it until they perish. These folk are as rare as sentences on blogs that are trying to look semi-proffessional (*cough* *cough*) that end without proper punctuation
Now in my opinion, I was definitely a "Snake-Handler" (Also known as Snake-Wrangler in certain parts of Australia). I was very excited to see the movie. But going into it, I knew it would be either a sinker, or a floater. I'm not really sure which one is good in this idiom, seeing as they both reference shit. But let's just assume that sinker means bad, and floater is good. Anyhow, it was definitely a floater. There was so much possibility for error. It was a story about snakes being on a plane. How they managed to drag it out for an hour and forty minutes, I have no clue. But I do know that I was on the edge of my fucking seat the whole time.
- The audience is a lot of fun while watching the movie. There are certain lines (Motherfucking snakes on my motherfucking plane, etc.) that get the audience riled up.
- There were moments of cheesiness, but that is what you go into the theater expecting. They keep the movie fun, rather than an hour and forty minutes of pure snakes on a plane. Who would want that?
- Great casting. The guy from Anchorman (You know, the one who abused the women? Yeah, that one) is back as the pilot. And he's lookin for more sexual harrassment lawsuits than ever!
- Do I even need to mention Samuel Fucking Jackson?
- The only bad thing that I could say about this film is that some of the acting is a bit sub-par. But I don't know if serious acting belongs in a movie about snakes ... on a plane.
If I had to sum up this post in 3 words...
Go See It!
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