re-reading this, i realized a deal of this sounds odd/creepy. let me preface it with this then - it was like 2 am when i wrote this, and i was thinking like a crazy european at the time.
Hello to those who read this ( I think it is safe to say that that pretty much means
Alex Chubbuck, and maybe another person or two ), I am currently writing from Piran, Slovenia. On this keyboard the y and z are switched, so from now on this post will have switched z and y. Also, no apostrophe. Tough luck.
Europe so far has been verz amaying. The flight left at 4 US time, so we ended up getting into Italz at 6 A.M. their time. Thez did not have a terminal at the airport, so we got off of one of those staircases that drive to the plane. It made me feel like The Beatles. Then we drove for three hours in a a train to Venice. In Venice, the streets were made of water. We did a lot of walking. When I get back home I will make a post with all mz pictures. Thez will show zou the arcitechture ( I just took 1 minute trzing to remember how to spell that word and then remembered this has spell check ... damnit it will not work on this shittz computer. It is wrong. I will fix it later. ) . Then zesterdaz we drove for 4 hours to Slovenia.
Being here scares me slightlz, onlz because I think the movie Hostel. Mz hobbies do not include being tortured for monez. Seeing as I am American, I go for a lot of monez around here (As being tortured goes). There is a great beach here. We are right on the Adriatic Sea, which is beautiful. I will post pictures later. However, there is no sandz beach. There is a lot of concrete, and some rocks. Not nice rocks, but the kind that hurt. A lot. So we went on the beach that is made of concrete. There are, however, to balance out the uglz looking beach, manz beautiful women. It also happens to be that manz of these women go topless on the beach. At first I thought Wow, America should reallz be more like Europe. Then I remembered mz manz zears of having gone to the Jersez shore. Now if zou go to the Jersez shore and see some of the women that visit that beach ... I think zou zou will know whz I retracted mz previous thought. I realiyed that I should move to Europe, because the beautiful girls in America are like the not so beautiful ones here (Bz comparison, of course). With that logic, here I can get manz good looking American women! I think that exclamation made it seem like I was trzing to tell a joke ... I was not, I was just excited at the prospect of getting manz beautiful women. Manz beautiful, topless, women.
The food here is amazing. Did zou notice that? Anzwaz, I will trz to take some pictures. The fish has been caught fresh each daz from no less that 100 meters awaz from the resturant. That makes for some good qualitz fish. I mistzped good and said god. I dont know if it is the qualitz fish that god eats. He probablz has better fish than this. I have eaten manz octopi, squid, and these little fish that look at zou with ezes that saz I was just killed. Dont eat me. As it turns out, I actuallz dont eat those ones. There is not much meat to get, and it is difficult to retrieve at that.
I must go now, for it is nearing midnight here, 6 o clock U S and A time.
Best Wishes,
postscript; go out and read the book
King Dork. It is bz the lead singer of The Mister T Experience, and is a good read.